Why Join Us?
MTA helps us to pursue initiatives to drive industry-wide growth and responsible travel practices. Joining the MTA helps you and your business grow, introduces you to the best and brightest minds in the industry, and allows you to stay ahead of the next big trends in technology.
Fill out the online application to embark on a journey of discovery today!
MTA is committed to professional development and lifelong learning for its members. Whether you are new to the travel industry or a veteran with 20 years of experience, there is an opportunity tailored to your specific needs. Learning and education that provides valuable skills for the future using the latest emerging technology.Actionable Education.
MTA delivers masterclasses, webinars and access to tourism related training that provide jobs and connects professionals with leading jobs.
Network with your peers and share resources in the Online Community. Through access to a wide network of people, ideas, products and services, membership in Destinations International provides the resources needed to fuel success and effectively grow organizations and their teams.
We are about serving destination marketing and management professionals first and foremost. We represent a powerful forward-thinking, collaborative association: exchanging bold ideas, connecting innovative people, and elevating tourism to its highest potential.
Our association is committed to helping members advance their careers through job postings, career advice, and access to exclusive job listings. Members can also benefit from our mentoring and leadership programs that offer guidance and support for career advancement.
Our association is committed to collaborating with industry leaders. Whether you are a regional tour operator, an airline, a hotel or a technology provider, we will encourage cross pillar innovation as we explore virtual opportunities together.
The MTA is committed to advocating for the interests of our members at the local, state, and national levels. As a member, you will have a voice in shaping policies and regulations in relation to the role of tourism in the metaverse and the role of technology in the future of the tourism sector. This is an opportunity to influence positive change in your industry.
Join Us ↗
Apply to become a member of the MTA Today.
Webinars ↗
Stay updated and see our current list of webinars & masterclasses.
A Sustainable Future ↗
Learn about the hybrid future of tourism as we go green.